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Upcoming webinars from outotec.

O utotec is hosting a series of educational webinars focusing on different minerals and metals processing topics. We help our customers create the smartest value from natural resources and work with them to find the most sustainable solutions for water, energy, minerals, and handling the full value chain from ore to metals. The webinars will discuss how the HIGmill optimizes grinding efficiency including example projects where significant economic and environmental benefits were achieved. -------------------------------------- Presenters: Riddhika Jain, Product Manager HIGmill; Bjorn Nielsen, Director, Product Management Grinding --------------------------------------- Pre-registration beforehand is needed through the links below. If you can’t join live, register now and you’ll get access to recorded sessions. We have two live sessions, serving different time zones: 22 July 2020, 1 pm AEST (Australia / Asia): 23 July 2020 10 am MDT (23 July 2020 10 am MDT (Afric

Everything you should know about Cobalt Commodity.

Once the named Goblin metal now known as Cobalt, which was commercially explored in 1920, made a massive impact in the late 20th century. Cobalt is a ferromagnetic metal that is essential for humans in many ways. It is the 27th essential element for human lives. Cobalt can be found on both land and sea with a substantial abundance, but then also ranked 33rd. Cobalt is mainly used in batteries, alloys, tools, magnets, wings of airplanes, catalysts et., In overall, Cobalt is one of the critical commodities and everyone from mineral mining and the metal sector should be aware. This scope of this blog is limited to know about the basics of Cobalt, its mineralogy, global distribution, current process of metal extraction, price prediction, and challenges.  We are not going through the each a bit of process, but if you required detailed review, send an email to me: .  So without wasting much time, let us get to know the goblin of the periodic table! Introduction of

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